Tuesday, October 15, 2024

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 13 October: Theme - Empowering the next generation for a resilient future October 13, 2024

Dear UNDRR partners,

We are just three months away from the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) on 13 October! This year, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) is promoting the importance of empowering the next generation for a resilient future.

Ahead of the International Day, we are excited to announce the launch of the toolkit designed to inspire teachers, schools, educators, and policymakers to empower children and youth for a more disaster-proof future.

The toolkit provides a menu of ideas and materials including a:

·        DRR awareness video to show in the classroom

·        DRR Scout Badge Challenge

·        Disaster simulation video game Stop Disasters.

It also has a collection of stories from educators around the world that include:

·        What does a nursery school in Kenya do to teach their little ones to stay safe during the disasters?

·        How does an institute in India promote inclusive approach to disaster risk management? How did a digital campaign in Zimbabwe influence Disaster Risk Management Bill?

Please find these and other stories in the toolkit.

Why Participate?

The increase in number and impact of disasters, many of them driven by climate change, threaten the well-being of children.

Approximately one billion children worldwide are at extremely high risk due to climate impacts, including climate-related disasters, according to UNICEF.

Beyond the risk of death and injury, children face disruptions in schooling, nutrition, and healthcare in the aftermath of a disaster.

Participation of educators and DRR education policymakers at all levels is crucial to shape effective disaster preparedness and empowering the next generation. Every effort counts.

UNDRR is inviting the MCR2030 community to join this movement and build DRR awareness to save lives and protect livelihoods.

Please let your communities know about the upcoming International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR).

We encourage you to share the link through your networks, organize events in your city, and make use of this toolkit.

Let us know how did it go!

If you decide to go ahead with an event inspired by the toolkit, please share stories and photos with us at undrrcomms@un.org. We will share a selection with our global communities of DRR policymakers and practitioners via MCR2030 and UNDRR media channels.

Best regards,


UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) & Global Education and Training Institute (GETI)


T: +82 32 458 6570  |  F: +82 32 458 6598/9  

4F G Tower, 175 Art Center Daero, Yeonsu-gu

22004 Incheon, Republic of Korea

www.undrr.org  |  www.preventionweb.net

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