Tornado warning, Smoke\Fire Alarm warning, Earthquake
warning, Flood warning.
What type of warnings are in your community?
Are they tested so everyone is familiar with the visual and
audible alarms?
international standard Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) helps societies greatly improve emergency alerting.
If you are
not familiar with CAP, here is
a 15-minute video from the recent UN-led disaster reduction
Anyone interested in emergency alerting is welcome to
participate in the free 2019 CAP Implementation Workshop (17-18 Oct 2019, in Mexico City).
If you have CAP implementation experiences or insights to share,
please let the Workshop Program Committee know (by e-mail to me: )
that you want to give one of the 20-minute presentations.
Eliot Christian
Black Emergency Managers Association
1231 Good Hope Road S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20020
Office: 202-618-9097
bEMA International
"It is my
belief that the best results in business come from a creative process, from the
ability to see things differently from everyone else, and from finding answers
to problems that are not bound by the phrase 'we have always done it this
way.' " Wayne Rogers