Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Disasters and Domestic Violence

Disasters and Domestic Violence 
Fran H. Norris, PhD

Prevalence and impact of domestic violence in the wake of disasters

Two questions require attention when considering the implications of domestic violence for postdisaster recovery.

The first question is whether domestic violence increases in prevalence after disasters. There are only minimal data that are relevant to this question. Mechanic et al. (1) undertook the most comprehensive examination of intimate violence in the aftermath of a disaster after the 1993 Mid-western flood. A representative sample of 205 women who were either married or cohabitating with men and who were highly exposed to this disaster acknowledged considerable levels of domestic violence and abuse. Over the 9-month period after flood onset, 14% reported at least one act of physical aggression from their partners, 26% reported emotional abuse, 70% verbal abuse, and 86% partner anger. Whether these rates of physical aggression are greater than normal is not known because studies of domestic violence from previous years and under normal conditions have showed the existence of rates of violence as low as 1% and as high as 12%.

A few studies have produced evidence that supports the above. Police reports of domestic violence increased by 46% following the eruption of the Mt. St. Helens volcano (2). One year after Hurricane Hugo, marital stress was more prevalent among individuals who had been severely exposed to the hurricane (e.g., life threat, injury) than among individuals who had been less severely exposed or not exposed at all (3).

Within 6 months after Hurricane Andrew, 22% of adult residents of the stricken area acknowledged having a new conflict with someone in their household (4). In a study of people directly exposed to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, 17% of noninjured persons and 42% of persons whose injuries required hospitalization reported troubled interpersonal relationships (5).

The second question is whether domestic violence, regardless of the reasons how or why it occurs, influences women's postdisaster recovery. An important finding from Mechanic et al.'s (2001) study was that the presence of domestic violence strongly influenced women's postdisaster mental health. Thirty-nine percent of women who experienced postflood partner abuse developed postflood PTSD compared to 17% of women who did not experience postflood abuse. Fifty-seven percent of women who experienced postflood partner abuse developed postflood major depression compared to 28% of nonabused women. Similarly, Norris and Uhl (3) found that as marital stress increased, so too did psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Likewise, Norris et al. (4) found that 6 and 30 months after Hurricane Andrew, new conflicts and other socially disruptive events were among the strongest predictors of psychological symptoms.

These findings take on additional significance when it is remembered that not only are women generally at greater risk than men for developing postdisaster psychological problems, but women who are married or cohabitating with men may be at even greater risk than single women (6,7). In contrast, married status is often a protective factor for men (8,9). It also has been found that the severity of married women's symptoms increases with the severity of their husbands' distress, even after similarities in their exposure have been taken into account (7).

In summary, although the research regarding the interplay of disaster and domestic violence is not extensive and little of it has been derived from studies of incidents of mass violence, the available evidence does suggest that services related to domestic violence should be integrated into other mental-health services for disaster-stricken families.

Screening for women's safety may be especially important. Helping men find appropriate ways to manage/direct their anger will benefit them and their wives. It will also help their children, as children are highly sensitive to postdisaster conflict and irritability in the family (7,10).

Summary of empirical findings

  • Although there is little conclusive evidence that domestic violence increases after major disasters, research suggests that its postdisaster prevalence may be substantial.
  • In the most relevant study, 14% of women experienced at least one act of postflood physical aggression and 26% reported postflood emotional abuse over a 9-month period.
  • One study reported a 46% increase in police reports of domestic violence after a disaster.
  • Other studies show that substantial percentages of disaster victims experience marital stress, new conflicts, and troubled interpersonal relationships.
  • There is more-conclusive evidence that domestic violence harms women's abilities to recover from disasters.
  • In the most relevant study, 39% of abused women developed postdisaster PTSD compared to 17% of other women, and 57% of abused women developed postdisaster depression, compared to 28% of other women.
  • Marital stress and conflicts are highly predictive of postdisaster symptoms.
  • In light of the fact that, in general, married women are a high-risk group for developing postdisaster psychological problems, it seems advisable to integrate violence-related screenings and services into programs for women, men, and families.


  1. Mechanic, M., Griffin, M., & Resick, P. (2001). The effects of intimate partner abuse on women's psychological adjustment to a major disaster. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  2. Adams, P. R., & Adams, G. R. (1984). Mount Saint Helen's ashfall . American Psychologist, 39, 252-260.
  3. Norris, F. H., & Uhl, G. A. (1993). Chronic stress as a mediator of acute stress: The case of Hurricane Hugo. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1263-1284.
  4. Norris, F. H., Perilla, J. L., Riad, J. K., Kaniasty, K., & Lavizzo, E. A. (1999). Stability and change in stress, resources, and psychological distress following natural disaster: Findings from Hurricane Andrew. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 12, 363-396.
  5. Shariat, S., Mallonee, S., Kruger, E., Farmer, K., & North, C. (1999). A prospective study of long-term health outcomes among Oklahoma City bombing survivors. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association, 92, 178-186.
  6. Brooks, N., & McKinlay, W. (1992). Mental health consequences of the Lockerbie disaster. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5, 527-543.
  7. Gleser, G. C., Green, B. L., & Winget, C. N. (1981). Prolonged psychological effects of disaster: A study of Buffalo Creek. New York: Academic Press.
  8. Fullerton, C.S., Ursano, R.J., Tzu-Cheg, K., & Bharitya, V. R. (1999). Disaster-related bereavement: Acute symptoms and subsequent depression. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 70, 902-909.
  9. Ursano, R. J., Fullerton, C. S., Kao, T. C., & Bhartiya, V. R. (1995). Longitudinal assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression after exposure to traumatic death. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 183, 36-42.
  10. Wasserstein, S. B., & LaGreca, A. (1998). Hurricane Andrew: Parent conflict as a moderator of children's adjustment. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Science, 20, 212-224.
Date Created: 01/01/2007 See last Reviewed/Updated Date below.

Scholarship Opportunity. Entering College for the First Time.

The Gates Millennium ScholarS Program

For students entering college for the first time in the fall 2012, the GMS 2012 Scholarship Application online process is now open. The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
GMS will select 1,000 talented students each year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. We provide Gates Millennium Scholars with personal and professional development through our leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.

Our program is more than a scholarship—it’s an opportunity to change your life! Just ask Deonte Bridges how much the GMS scholarship means to him.

If you are willing to serve as a nominator or recommender for deserving students, you can make a difference in their lives.
The goal of GMS is to promote academic excellence and to provide an opportunity for outstanding minority students with significant financial need to reach their highest potential by:
  • Reducing financial barriers for African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American and Hispanic American students with high academic and leadership promise who have significant financial need;
  • Increasing the representation of these target groups in the disciplines of computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health and the sciences, where these groups are severely underrepresented;
  • Developing a diversified cadre of future leaders for America by facilitating successful completion of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees; and
  • Providing seamless support from undergraduate through doctoral programs, for students selected as Gates Millennium Scholars entering target disciplines.
The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program, established in 1999, was initially funded by a $1 billion grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The GMS Scholarship Award Provides:
  • Support for the cost of education by covering unmet need and self-help aid;
  • Renewable awards for Gates Millennium Scholars maintaining satisfactory academic progress;
  • Graduate school funding for continuing Gates Millennium Scholars in the areas of computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health or science;
  • Leadership development programs with distinctive personal, academic and professional growth opportunities.
Program Accomplishment:
  • Funding more than 15,000 Gates Millennium Scholars since the inception of the program
  • Obtained a 79.9% graduation rate in five years*
  • Supported Gates Millennium Scholars enrolled in more than 1,500 colleges and universities
  • Supported Gates Millennium Scholars representing 50 states and five outlying areas
  • Graduated over 7,000 Gates Millennium Scholars since the program's inception
  • Five year retention rate of 87.7%*
*Reflects cohorts 1 through 4
UNCF—the United Negro College Fund—administers the Gates Millennium Scholars Program (GMS). To reach, coordinate and support the constituent groups, UNCF has partnered with the American Indian Graduate Center Scholars, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, and the Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund to assist in implementing the program.
The GMS Advisory Council has seven members: six members from higher education and one member representing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Advisory Council members include:
  • Youlonda Copeland-Morgan, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Financial Aid Service, Syracuse University
  • Carmen D. Lopez, Executive Director, College Horizons Inc.
  • Dr. Raymund Paredes, Commissioner of Higher Education, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
  • Margaret Daniels Tyler, Senior Program Officer, Education, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The GMS program is more than just a scholarship. The GMS program offers Gates Millennium Scholars with ACademic Empowerment (ACE) services to encourage academic excellence; mentoring services for academic and personal development; and an online resource center that provides internship, fellowship and scholarship information.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Disaster Assistance. Water damage to furnaces from flooding.

Disaster assistance may help prepare flood-damaged furnaces for winter 

Release Date: October 22, 2011
Release Number: 4021-060

» More Information on New Jersey Hurricane Irene

NEPTUNE, N.J. — With this week’s seasonal winds and rain and the impending arrival of winter, New Jersey homeowners should ensure that their home-heating systems are in good working order. 

This is especially true of systems that may have been damaged by Hurricane Irene and the resulting floods.
Federal disaster assistance may cover furnace repairs that are related to severe storms and flooding that happened from Aug. 27 through Sep. 5, according to disaster officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Federal help may be available for cleaning and testing a flood-damaged furnace for repairs, or for replacement if the furnace is destroyed.  New Jersey residents who had flood damage to their furnaces should register for assistance from FEMA by the Nov. 30 deadline.

If the need for repair or replacement is discovered after a homeowner receives federal aid to cover cleaning and testing expenses, the resident has the option of filing an appeal for additional disaster funds. 

The appeal must be made within 60 days of the date of the award or determination letter.

Registering with FEMA is the first step.  There are three ways to register for assistance – go to, to or call FEMA toll-free, 800-621-3362 (FEMA). 

Those with access or functional needs and who use a TTY may call 800-462-7585 or use 711 or Video Relay Service to call 800-621-3362. Telephone lines are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET; multilingual operators are available.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Trauma: Stress. Disaster Recovery

Disasters Touch Everyone - Look Out for Signs of Stress 

Release Date: October 21, 2011
Release Number: 4025-077

» More Information on Pennsylvania Tropical Storm Lee
» More Information on Pennsylvania Hurricane Irene

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The initial trauma from Pennsylvania's two late-summer disasters - Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee - has passed, but the psychological effects can linger.

Stress caused by loss or a traumatic experience can sneak up on people and influence behavior and emotions. The elderly and children are particularly vulnerable to stress after a disaster and may require special considerations.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have developed a list of things to look for and tips for helping yourself and others get through this difficult time. Some common signs of stress are:
  • Trouble concentrating or remembering things.
  • Difficulty making decisions.
  • Replaying the events and circumstances of the disaster over and over in your mind.
  • Anxiety or fear, especially when things remind you of the traumatic experience.
  • Feeling depressed, sad or down much of the time.
  • Trouble sleeping.
  • Nightmares.
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs.
  • Feeling overwhelmed.
Stress isn't just emotional. It can manifest in physical sensations like fatigue, stomachaches or diarrhea, headaches, sweating or chills, chest pain, or a rapid heartbeat. Changes in behavior also can signal that you are under stress. Do you withdraw or isolate yourself, even from family and friends? Are you restless or prone to emotional outbursts? Do you startle easily?

Here are some common-sense measures to help you overcome stress and get you back to yourself again.
  • Friends and family are good medicine. Talk with them about your feelings. Sharing common experiences helps you deal with and overcome anxiety and feelings of helplessness.
  • Get back into your daily routines as soon as you can.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep.
  • Find ways to relax. Do a fun thing after a difficult or stressful task.
  • Get some physical exercise every day. Walking is a great stress reliever and you can do it with a friend or relative.
Know that feeling stressed, depressed, guilty or angry is common after a traumatic event. Watch out for problems that are more than you can handle. If signs of stress are serious or if they persist, you should see a counselor or other mental health professional.

For more information about behavioral health services available in your area, please contact your county crisis hotline or mental health office. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Additional information about this disaster is available at, and
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Snow Emergency Plans: Washington, D.C.

District of Columbia Winter Snow and Ice Plan 

Ready for Action
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) works closely with the Department of Public Works (DPW) to clear snow and ice from District roadways and bridges. Together, DDOT and DPW clear and make safe approximately 2,295 lane miles, bridges, overpasses and ramps.
DDOT and DPW also work closely with the Mayor and other District agencies when deciding to declare and enforce snow emergencies. If a snow emergency is declared residents must immediately relocate any vehicles parked on snow emergency routes.
The District of Columbia begins planning for winter weather months in advance. Equipment must be serviced, vehicles inspected, personnel trained, supplies ordered and snow removal routes evaluated to ensure readiness for the first flake, or the first icy downpour of freezing rain.
As in other jurisdictions, public safety determines the priority for snow removal in the District. Clearing and salting efforts focus first on major roads, commuter thoroughfares and designated Snow Emergency Routes. Streets that are narrow, steep, or shaded, receive special attention, as do those streets scheduled for next-day trash collection.
The District has 330 pieces of equipment and 750 personnel available for any given storm. This includes additional contract plows, if necessary, for major weather events. In addition, the District Snow Team is now using improved route plans - first implemented in 2008 - which divide the city's neighborhoods into 82 smaller, more manageable routes.
The District's Snow Team is committed to faster completion of plowing and salting along major roads and residential streets, which in turn means more rapid return of normal traffic flow and earlier resumption of trash collection and other city services. Residents are reminded to please be patient and allow sufficient time for snow operations to be implemented. If their streets still have not been treated or plowed in a reasonable amount of time they should call the Mayor's Call Center at 311.
Keep up to date on the latest inclement weather reports and advisories with our Snow Alerts.
DDOT and DPW remind commuters and residents to:
  • Not drive distracted.
  • Remember that driving on ice is significantly different than driving on snow.
  • Use extreme caution and maintain safe speeds and distances from other vehicles.
  • Remember even a 4-wheel drive SUV does not perform well in ice and additional safety measures should be followed.
  • Be aware of road conditions, particularly black ice which can be deceptive in its appearance giving the driver a false sense of security on the road.
  • Watch for slippery bridge decks, even when the rest of the pavement is in good condition. Bridge decks will ice up sooner than the adjacent pavement.
  • Remember to keep a safe distance from emergency and snow vehicles and please use caution when attempting to pass a snowplow. Give the drivers plenty of room to safely do their jobs.
  • Clear all the snow and ice from your vehicle's windows and lights — even the hood and roof — before driving.
  • Help your elderly or disabled neighbors remove snow from steps and sidewalks.
  • Clear catch basins and fire hydrants.
  • Please do not put snow in the street. Put all cleared snow, from parked cars and sidewalks, in the "tree box," front yard, or between the curb and sidewalk.
For more information on the District of Columbia Snow Removal and Treatment Plan, please select below from the Related Documents links.


To clear snow and ice from District roadways and bridges.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

International Sector: Hiati Missions

Lott Carey Mission Alert - Short-Term Missions Assignments to Haiti

13 October 2011 
Dear Lott Carey Partner:
We continue to work to keep the people of Haiti on the minds of the world and in the hearts of God's people.  One way of doing so is to create opportunities for people who feel called to do so, to participate in short-term missions assignments.  The following opportunities still have opportunities for service, and we as you to share them in your circles of influence.
Men's Only Short-Term Missions Assignment

Missionary men will share in construction projects and a men's conference in partnership with Hosean International a service-based ministry, has been receiving teams and coordinating outreaches in Haiti since 1981.

Dates: December 1 -9, 2011

Medical Service Short-Term Missions Assignment Medical professionals are invited to serve with a Mobile Medical clinic at Siloe. The clinic is in need of medical teams to participate in ‘mobile clinics’ to the villages in the mountain region of Grand Goave. Significant time will be spent seeing patients and addressing both emergency treatment, and providing ongoing care. Medical personnel such as: Doctors, nurses, dentists, technicians, EMTs, and more are needed.

Dates: February 8 - 15, 2012; May 9 - 16, 2012
If you hear God calling you to serve in Haiti to be a blessing, please contact Kathi L. Reid, Program Manager, at
Remember our sisters and brothers who continue to struggle, and see other short-term missions assignments on our home page at
On mission,
Rev. David Emmanuel Goatley, Ph.D.
Lott Carey
220 Eye Street, NE, Suite 220
Washington, DC 20002
202.543.3200 (office)
202.276.2920 (cell) (email)
degoatley (skype)
lottcarey (twitter) (web)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Trauma: Crisis Counseling for Texas Wildfire Survivors

Free Crisis Counseling Can Help Texas Wildfire Survivors Cope 

Release Date: October 17, 2011
Release Number: 4029-051

» More Information on Texas Wildfires

AUSTIN, Texas -- Texans who survived the recent wildfires -- or saw neighbors or family experience loss -- can be experiencing post-disaster stress that is as real as the destruction itself.

Because of this, free crisis counseling is available to Texans in the 23 counties designated for Individual Assistance under the major disaster declaration. The program, funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and administered by the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), is open to any child or adult who is experiencing disaster-related stress.

“FEMA funds this program after major disasters because counseling can help people understand that their emotional reactions to the disaster, such as grief, frustration, anger and fear, are normal,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Kevin L. Hannes of FEMA. “We know that the right support and coping skills can help most survivors pick up the pieces and go on with their lives.”

Trained counselors are provided by the network of state Community Mental Health Centers. Calls to the crisis lines are free of charge, as are face-to-face follow-up sessions for adults and children whose needs cannot be fully served through phone counseling.

   Central Texas
  • Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette and Williamson Counties: Bluebonnet Trails Community Services, crisis line 800 -841-1255
  • Colorado County, Texana Center, crisis line 800-633-5686
  • Hill County, Heart of Texas Region Mental Health Mental Retardation (MHMR) Center, crisis line 866-572-3451
  • Travis County,  Austin Travis County Integral Care, crisis line 512-472-4357
Southeast Texas
  • Grimes and Leon Counties, MHMR Authority of Brazos Valley, crisis line 888-522-8262
  • Houston County, Burke Center, crisis line 800-392-8343
  • Montgomery and Walker Counties, Tri-County Services, crisis line 800-659-6994
Northeast Texas
  • Anderson County, ACCESS Anderson Cherokee Community Enrichment Services, crisis line 800-621-1693
  • Cass, Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Rusk  and Upshur Counties, Community Healthcore, crisis line 800-832-1009
  • Henderson and Smith Counties,  Andrews Center Behavioral Healthcare System, crisis line 877-934-2131
  • Navarro County, Lakes Regional MHMR Center, crisis line 877-466-0660
  • Waller County, Texana Center, crisis line 800-633-5686
Residents of other Texas counties may call 2-1-1, the central point of contact for health and human services throughout the state.

The State/FEMA Disaster Recovery Center in Bastrop is staffed with crisis counselors, and appointments are not necessary. Registered survivors from any of the designated counties can drop by the Bastrop center to speak with a counselor.

The Bastrop recovery center is at the Bastrop High School 9th Grade Academy, 1602 Hill Street, Bastrop, Texas 78602. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Another resource is the TDSHS website addressing post-disaster mental health. It lists frequent reactions to catastrophic events and methods of coping specifically for families, children and older adults.

Texans can register online at, via web-enabled phone at, or by telephone via FEMA’s toll-free numbers: 1-800-621-3362 or TTY 1-800-462-7585. Those who use 711-Relay or Video Relay Services can call 1-800-621-3362. Operators are available from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week.

Follow FEMA tweets about the Texas disaster at Other online resources are, and

FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.

Last Modified: Monday, 17-Oct-2011 14:41:59


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