Thursday, May 28, 2020

When vital information is received at the 11-hour. What Communities Need to Know About Reopening During COVID-19. May 2020

What Communities Need to Know About Reopening During COVID-19
Thurs., May 28, 2020 | 1:00 p.m. ET 

Faith congregations and communities are eager to reconvene after months of remotely gathering.

Yet, as states start to reopen, how can faith leaders best care for their diverse communities while still gathering in the safest manner possible?

We want to help answer some of these important questions!

That's why we have invited top experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to review the most up-to-date information available regarding what communities need to know about COVID-19, available safety and prevention protocols, and helpful guidance on reopening worship facilities.

Join us on tomorrow, May 28, at 1 p.m. ET, to learn more!


Los Angeles County must provide housing or shelter space for as many as 4,000 people living along freeways

A federal judge ruled that Los Angeles County must provide housing or shelter space for as many as 4,000 people living along freeways, NextCity writes

In the face of the pandemic, California legislators are rethinking their sweeping plans to address the state’s housing crisis, according to CalMatters. "My sense is that there’s a real desire to see the market help fix our problems, and I think that’s kind of fundamentally at odds with our perspective," Chione Flegal, a managing director at PolicyLink, told the news site. "Although there’s certainly a role for the market, the last two decades have shown that the market is not working to build supply for people at the bottom of the income spectrum — and it’s never worked for communities of color."

Structural Racism. COVID-19 is a never-ending lesson in the history, legacy, and reality of structural racism

Issue No 7. May 27, 2020
Advancing Water Equity for the Nation’s Recovery and Renewal

By Ronda Lee Chapman

COVID-19 is a never-ending lesson in the history, legacy, and reality of structural racism in America. We see it everywhere the pandemic forces us to look: in infection rates, unemployment, housing insecurity, and the loss of life. It’s also glaring in an area that has not gotten enough attention: lack of access to safe, affordable water.

It is no coincidence that many of the current COVID-19 "hot spots" are in cities and communities with majority-Black or Indigenous populations — places where residents have been fighting for years for reliable, affordable access to safe water. Medical experts exhort the public to wash our hands and sanitize our surroundings, but that advice is hollow in communities plagued by tainted water, crumbling sanitation systems or none at all, or unaffordable water bills and service shutoffs. COVID-19 exposes the dangers and immorality of decades of underinvestment, unjust policies at all levels of government, and society’s disregard for the well-being of millions of low-income people and people of color. Nearly a quarter of the US population, 77 million people, are served by drinking water systems with known Safe Drinking Water Act violations. As local and state governments increasingly shoulder the expense of maintaining and repairing old, fraying systems, the costs are passed down to consumers, though they are not responsible for the problems and in many cases they cannot afford higher rates. Before the pandemic, an estimated15 million people, mostly people of color struggling with poverty and unemployment, experienced water shutoffs when they couldn’t pay their bills.

When COVID-19 struck Detroit, for example, an estimated 2,800 homes were experiencing water shutoffs. More than 100,000 Detroit homes have had their water turned off at some point since 2014. We the People of Detroit co-founder Monica Lewis-Patrick has worked tirelessly to put bottled water into the hands of residents. In the face of the pandemic, they had to choose between hydration and hand washing. African Americans make up close to 14 percent of the population in Michigan, but around 40 percent of the state’s 1,076 coronavirus deaths as of April 9. Water is by no means the only factor behind these devastating statistics, but access to clean water is the most fundamental element of infection control, and it’s critical to good health.

In Navajo Nation, an estimated 30 percent of people do not have running water and must haul barrels to meet their needs, according to the 2019 report Closing the Water Access Gap in the United States. Many also lack access to wastewater systems, and some households rely on unregulated wells, springs, or livestock troughs for water, which can be unsafe because groundwater is contaminated by abandoned uranium mines. These conditions are rooted in a history of US government violations of tribal water rights. The well-documented health impacts of poor water access in Navajo Nation include higher rates of diabetes and other conditions that make people especially vulnerable to COVID-19. As of May 25, Navajo Nation had 4,794 confirmed COVID-19 cases, the highest infection rate in the United States.

In this public health crisis, some government leaders are taking action. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued a statewide COVID-19 moratorium on water shutoffs in homes with unpaid bills and ordered service restored to homes that had been disconnected from water supplies. Michigan Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Debbie Dingell have introduced the Emergency Water is a Human Rights Act, which would prohibit water shutoffs and require reconnections nationally during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act (HEROES Act), a $3 trillion COVID-19 relief bill put forward by the House of Representatives, has two key provisions that would advance water equity and other environmental justice issues: (1) $50 million in grants to investigate or address the disproportionate impacts of the pandemic in environmental justice communities; and (2) $1.5 billion in grants to states and tribes to subsidize water costs for households at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, and to keep or restore water access.

This moment of disruption creates a unique opportunity to rework our inadequate and inequitable water systems and reconceive how we value and manage them, bending the arc toward structural change. The US Water Alliance and more than 200 organizations have put forward a set of guiding principles that call on local, state, and federal governments to ensure that water is reliable and affordable for everyone, strengthen water utilities of all sizes, close the water access gap, and fuel economic recovery by investing in water systems.  

Indigenous communities rightly refer to water as a relative, reminding us that we are deeply connected to water and should treat it with respect, care, and humility. Water is life giving, life sustaining, and lifesaving. COVID-19 should spur the nation to rethink policies and practices that treat water as a commodity — an increasingly unaffordable one — and reimagine it as an essential resource that must be available to all.

Ronda Lee Chapman is a Senior Associate at PolicyLink.

Climate Change. GCC joins FEMA Region IX in announcing Level Up Audio Project

Still don't get it.
Emergency Managers are multi-skilled and also
Climate Change Managers to address its' impacts.

BEMA International 

News & Updates from
the Georgetown Climate Center

GCC joins FEMA Region IX in
announcing Level Up Audio Project
Stories spotlight local climate adaptation and hazard mitigation

Storytelling works better than facts alone when motivating people to act. Stories allow people to form an emotional connection, to learn from other communities’ challenges and solutions, and to wonder, “How could this work in my community?”

The Georgetown Climate Center (GCC) is partnering with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region IX to make local hazard mitigation and climate adaptation stories available through the new series, Level Up Audio Project. FEMA Region IX produced this series to support local conversations about hazard risk and resilience, empower communities to advance resilience, strengthen a network of hazard mitigation and climate adaptation professionals, and inspire action. Level Up discusses themes including:

·    Climate change; 
·    Equity, environmental justice, and social resilience; 
·    Hazard mitigation; 
·    Ecosystems and natural resilience; and more.

The Georgetown Climate Center is partnering with FEMA Region IX to make the Level Up Audio Project available. This collaboration grew out of the natural connections between FEMA’s mission to reduce impacts of disasters, and the Georgetown Climate Center’s work to help state and local leaders make their communities more resilient to changes in the climate that exacerbate disaster impacts. As a resource to states and local governments on climate change adaptation, GCC helps policymakers and practitioners identify best practices in adaptation policy, including in hazard mitigation and post-disaster contexts through legal and policy analysis, and through GCC’s online resource, the Adaptation Clearinghouse.

Level Up features 10- to 15-minute conversations with individuals on the United States’ West Coast who are making hazard mitigation planning and action a priority in their communities. Tune in to hear how:

·    An immigrants’ rights organization in California made sure all members of the community were able to rebuild following the Thomas Fire;
·    The City of Santa Cruz integrated climate adaptation and hazard mitigation planning processes to ensure more coordinated implementation;
·    The City of Tehama stacked various funding sources to elevate homes and protect the community from floods; and more.

The Level Up Audio Project can be accessed on the GCC website and via streaming platforms including Blubrry, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. If you have topics to suggest for future episodes or would like to get involved, please contact or

FEMA Releases Fourth Version of the Public Assistance Policy and Program Guide. May 2020

The fourth version of the Public Assistance Policy and Program Guide will go into effect on June 1, 2020. The latest version supersedes version 3.1 and will be applicable to incidents declared on or after June 1, 2020.   
The Public Assistance Policy and Program Guide is a comprehensive program resource that combines FEMA Public Assistance policy into a single volume and provides an overview of the program implementation process with links to other publications and documents that provide additional process details.
The Fourth Edition was released in draft form with a 45-day public comment period. The FEMA Public Assistance program received and adjudicated more than 580 public comments while drafting the final version.
Updates to the guide includes, but are not limited to:
  • Incorporation of the Public Assistance Alternative Procedures for Permanent Work Pilot Policy (FEMA Policy 104-009-7);
  • Incorporation of the Public Assistance National Delivery Model process and procedures;
  • Updates to administrative processes and eligibility of applicants, emergency work, permanent work, and cost; and,
  • Incorporation and subsequent supersession of various policies, job aids, and fact sheets.
FEMA makes updates to the guide on an annual basis when necessary and conducts a comprehensive review no less than every three years.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding this FEMA Advisory, please contact FEMA Office of External Affairs, Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division:
·       Congressional Affairs at (202) 646-4500 or at
·       Intergovernmental Affairs at (202) 646-3444 or at
·       Tribal Affairs at (202) 646-3444 or at
Private Sector Engagement at (202) 646-3444 or at


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