Sunday, December 1, 2019

Join the December Global Climate Strikes. Friends of the Earth U.S.

The September 20th Climate Strike was the largest youth-led climate mobilization in U.S. history. Activists like you stood up and fought back against big corporations taking advantage of our planet and leaving the most vulnerable communities to clean up their mess.
But our fight isn’t over. We won’t rest until we achieve a real and just solution to climate change. On Friday, December 6th, people across the world will strike again to demand bold action on the climate crisis. Will you join us?
The clock is ticking -- we’re running out of time to prevent climate chaos. Our leaders must take ambitious action before it’s too late. 
We need climate solutions that empower the communities most impacted by the crisis. Solutions that eliminate all fossil fuels. Solutions that provide a just transition for workers and others who have been caught in an extractive economy for far too long. We need to address these problems now -- we can’t continue passing them off to the next generation. And we need your help to do it.
Together, we can move mountains. Activists like you have worked tirelessly to stop pipelines around the country and hold corporations accountable to the destruction they cause.
Now, we’re counting on you to take action again. The planet can’t wait any longer. We need to stand together, adults and youth alike, and ensure the strike has maximum impact. Together, we can show our elected officials we won’t back down. 
So, can we count on you to step up for a future free of climate disaster, Charles?
Standing with you
Liz Butler,
VP of organizing and strategic alliances,
Friends of the Earth

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