The National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) is pleased to
announce its third annual Disaster Resilience
Symposium to be held on July 28-29, 2020. NIST is closely monitoring
guidance from Federal, State, and local health authorities on the outbreak of
COVID-19. To protect the health and safety of NIST employees and the American
public they continue to serve, NIST has decided to make the 2020 NIST
Disaster Resilience Symposium virtual-only.
The symposium will
feature a keynote presentation by Erik Rasmussen, Senior Research
Scientist at CIMMS NSSL and the University of Oklahoma, on how
we can enhance the resilience of US communities. The symposium will also
feature presentations from 23 grant awardees funded by
NIST on topics related to disaster and failure studies,
earthquake engineering, wind engineering, community resilience, and
wildland-urban interface fires:
§ Development
of Tornado Design Criteria for Buildings and Shelters Subject to Tornado
Induced Loads
§ Improving
Disaster Resilience Through Scientific Data Collection with UAV Swarms
§ Seismic
Assessment, Retrofit Strategies and Policy Implications for Vulnerable Existing
Steel Buildings
§ Integrating
Aging Effects in Performance-Based Seismic Design and Assessment of Reinforced
Concrete Structures
§ Resilience
of Steel Moment Frame Systems with Deep Slender Column Sections
§ Coastal
Inundation Events in Developed Regions
§ Decision-Oriented
Column Simulation Capabilities for Enhancing Disaster Resilience of Reinforced
Concrete Buildings
§ Liquefaction-Targeted
Ground Motion Parameters
§ Improving
Disaster Resilience by Quantifying WUI Community Ember Exposure
§ Imaging
pyrometry of smoldering wood embers
§ Development
of Methodology for Determination of Ignition Propensity by Firebrands in
Wildland-Urban Interface
§ Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) System and LIDAR Experiments for the Characterization of
Strong Wind Loads on Non-Structural Components and Near-Surface Wind Profiles
§ Innovative
Measurement and Modeling of Dynamical Social and Health Effects of Windstorms
§ 4-D
Measurement and Modeling of Engineering-Relevant Windstorm Characteristics
§ Measurement
of Near-Surface Pressure, Wind and Wind-Induced Load Characteristics Using
Novel Sensors in Thunderstorm, Tornado, and Tornado-Like Environments
§ Spatiotemporal
Maps of Damaging Winds from Integrated Remote and In Situ Observations
§ Seismic
Rehabilitation of Existing Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
§ Designing
for and Assessing Functional Recovery in Seismic Retrofit of Existing Concrete
Buildings: A Framework
§ Seismic
Assessment and Retrofit Methods for Existing Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete
Wall Structures
§ Leveraging
Uncertain Disaster Field Data for Community-Scale Assessment of Connected
Buildings and Lifelines
§ Assessing
long-range firebrand impingement rates in recent WUI wildfire events
§ Development
of a Fundamental Model for Ignition of Structural Wildland-Urban Interface
(WUI) Fuels Subjected to Firebrand Attack
§ Firebrand
Material Ignition Conditions & Assessment Method Development
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