Sunday, June 28, 2020

July 2020. Global Resilient Cities Network & the World Bank, which will focus on 'Metropolitan Resilience: How metropolitan areas have responded to the Covid19 crisis'

Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for the 17th Session of Cities on the Frontline, jointly organized by Global Resilient Cities Network & the World Bank, which will focus on 'Metropolitan Resilience: How metropolitan areas have responded to the Covid19 crisis'. We will be joined by Mario Silva, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Planning Institute of Guadalajara, Xavier Tiana, Director of International Affairs at the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and Octavi de la Varga, Secretary-General of Metropolis.

The session will take place on Thursday, 2 July 2020, at 9.30 AM EST / 1.30 PM GMT / 09.30 PM Singapore Time. Please register here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing log-in info and a calendar detail that can be added to your system.

Missed a session? For access to the previous sessions' materials, visit our Speaker Series webpage for full access to the presentations & recordings:

For questions about the Speaker's Series or additional registration requests, please send an email to our team at

Lauren N. Sorkin 
Acting Executive Director 
Global Resilient Cities Network, pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation 

London | Mexico City | New York | Singapore  
T: +1 732 718 5650  M: +65 9727 1371 Skype: lauren.irg  T: @LaurenSorkin18 


Important: Please note my new email and update your address book accordingly:

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