Systems Failure analysis not only in regards to death of Black, LatinX, Women, and other vulnerable members in our communities reformed for all elements of public safety in communities. Public Safety components of Law Enforcement, Fire\EMS, and Emergency Management. It cannot be for Law enforcement only.
We as emergency managers must also look in the mirror, and focus the microscope on our own profession. Our professional structure at the Federal, State, County, City, and local locals to save lives, to protect and serve and regain the trust and credibility of our communities.
When ignored, this directly and indirectly affects our professionalism in our communities. Affect us in our own communities by lack of financial support even to the point of providing awareness, education and training,
It expands to policy-makers that also ignore our organizations that are formed to address the issue of networking, job enlargement & enrichment opportunity advice, mentoring, and advising on education & training to advance in our careers. Those that utilize more acceptable and political correct organizations within their comfort zone.
We must not only redesign our law enforcement element, but all the elements of responders to eliminate the racial pandemic to ensure that full-inclusion is truly full-inclusion.
Charles D. Sharp
We as emergency managers must also look in the mirror, and focus the microscope on our own profession. Our professional structure at the Federal, State, County, City, and local locals to save lives, to protect and serve and regain the trust and credibility of our communities.
- What are the numbers of LE professionals that have utilized job enlargement and enrichment with a transfer to emergency management?
- What are the number of ethnic minorities graduating from institutions of higher learning in emergency management to provide the new workforce to change the paradigm in emergency management?
- Who controls Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) councils? Fire\EMS or are CERT Councils chaired by Law Enforcement as lead entity?
- What funding is being provided by emergency management to increase the number of community response teams, assist and coordinate business continuity planning, and other programs to increase individual, family, and whole community participation?
When ignored, this directly and indirectly affects our professionalism in our communities. Affect us in our own communities by lack of financial support even to the point of providing awareness, education and training,
It expands to policy-makers that also ignore our organizations that are formed to address the issue of networking, job enlargement & enrichment opportunity advice, mentoring, and advising on education & training to advance in our careers. Those that utilize more acceptable and political correct organizations within their comfort zone.
We must not only redesign our law enforcement element, but all the elements of responders to eliminate the racial pandemic to ensure that full-inclusion is truly full-inclusion.
Charles D. Sharp
University Climate
Emergency Managers
Association International Washington, D.C.
Treena Wright is with Maleek Jackson.
We need to use the same brooms to clean both fire departments & police stations of racism.
Treena Wright is with Maleek Jackson.
#WeSeeYourFace #LatoshaClemons, so when the thought and/or the unfortunate decision is made to erase, undo and or distort (DESTROY) history is implemented; THIS IS INDEED “UNACCEPTABLE”. Please keep in mind this is a NEW ERA, where there’s VIDEO RECORDINGS, SOCIAL MEDIA and PEOPLE WHO WANT TO SEE WHAT IS RIGHT!!! So, the moment it’s thought THE FACE of Retired Chief Latosha Denise Clemons and Former Fire Chief Glenn Joseph FACE(s) can casually, simply or blatantly be ERASED and REPLACED; let’s run this back, LATOSHA CLEMONS is a RETIRED CHIEF who was hired with the City of Boynton Fire Department on June 20 1996. The FIRST and “ONLY” Black Women hired by the BBFD as a Firefighter, in the Departments History establish 1924. Promoted through the ranks always in the TOP 3. #1 on the Lieutenant’s Promotional Exam, #3 on the Captain’s Promotional Exam, #2 on the Battalion Chief’s Promotional Exam and she possesses a Masters Degree in Executive Management and Executive Fire Officer and was also appointed to Deputy Chief December 2016. She RETIRED March 1, 2020. So thinking to dissolve HER or any other African American Leading Official because of their departure or maybe the intent to humiliate them REMAINS UNACCEPTABLE. WE STILL SEE THEIR FACE(s) and WE ALWAYS WILL. #WeSeeYourFace #LatoshaClemons
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