Saturday, June 6, 2020

Systems Failure: Placated in the past, same results?

A complete redesign of the Law Enforcement profession is needed.

Now, not one year or two years. but now.

    We have tried body cameras. 

    We have talked of community engagement.

    We have talked and implemented a change in training, cultural competency, 

  If Law Enforcement were a car.
  After so many repairs, adjustments, and additions
  there comes a point where\when you have to 
  change for a newer model, a 21st Century Model.

Systems Failure:  The Failure of Law Enforcement to Serve and Protect

With the same fervor and expediency that created the organization and structure at the Federal level for the Department of Homeland Security. This fervor change must also be conducted with great expediency at the Federal, State, County, City, townships, and other jurisdictions for the establishment of a new law enforcement model in the the U.S.

Communities will continue to lose trust in law enforcement if changes across the board are not enacted.

Now is the time for Federal Elected Officials, Governors, Mayors, City Council members,, Law Enforcement officials, and community members to make the change. 

We must proceed with a change across the board, or members of the community.  Vulnerable members, the 'whole community' will foresee 'business as usual' in both the Courts, and Law Enforcement.

Why does BEMA International comprised of homeland security, emergency management, Fire\EMS, Law Enforcement members voice this concern for change? 

The profession of law enforcement plays a key role in all phases of emergency management (preparedness, planning, response, recovery, mitigation) within the incident command system (ICS).


Without the trust, credibility, and transparency in our law enforcement profession and changes needed for 2020 and beyond.  A ‘business as usual’ approach will be the norm.

To our elected officials make the change.


Charles D. Sharp

Charles D.Sharp                                                                                             
Cornell University Climate Fellow                                                                 
Chairman Emeritus\CEO                                                                              
Black Emergency Managers Association International                                    
1231-B Good Hope Road.  S.E.                                                                    
Washington, D.C.  20020                                                                              
Office:   202-618-909                                           
bEMA International                                                                                  


“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today.  We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. 
In this unfolding conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late.  Procrastination is still the thief of time.  Life often leaves us standing bare, naked and dejected with a lost opportunity.  This may well be mankind’s last chance to choose between chaos or community.”   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘Where Are We Going From Here:  Chaos or Community’.

Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication, Coordination, Community engagement, and  Partnering (C5&P)            

A 501 (c) 3 organization.

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