Monday, June 28, 2021

Detroit Black Community Food Security Network. Community ownership, empowerment and access to healthy, sustainable food


“The food economy is the first economy of any society.  
As we’re thinking about how we build a more sustainable 
and just economy again, food has 
to figure prominently in that.”
June 28, 2021
Dear Friend,
With the help of many, the Detroit Black Community Food Security Network is building community-based 
food initiatives that promote food justice and self-determination.
Programs driving impact in our community
I am pleased to share this video produced by the Kresge Foundation, “Our Common Purpose – 
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network.” It communicates the foundation of their support 
of our mission.  It also outlines the ways in which we are making a difference in our community, 
through education and other outreach programs.
Please take a moment to watch the video and learn how your gift can make an impact in our 
community and for future generations. 
Community ownership, empowerment and access to healthy, sustainable food
We are making significant progress in developing the Detroit People’s Food Co-op and the 
Detroit Food Commons. Through this development, we are working to increase access to healthy, 
sustainably grown food, while building community ownership and empowerment. 
Located in Detroit’s North End, it will be a unique cooperative business model, serving an urban, 
predominately African American, low and moderate-income community.
Working for a Just Food System,
Malik Yakini
Executive Director
Detroit Black Community Food Security Network Inc.
11000 W McNichols Rd, Suite 103
Detroit, MI 48221
DBCFSN is a 501c3 Organization
Registered Charity: 33-1140762 

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