Wednesday, June 22, 2022

$10K - $50K grants. The Power of Food in School Deadline: August 15, 2022

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Two students smiling while they eat school lunch


New Grant: The Power of Food in School

Newman’s Own Foundation, with equity and strategic support from FoodCorps, is launching a new grant program! The Power of Food in School grants offer up to $50,000 to state and district-reaching organizations working to increase access to food education and nourishing meals in school.

Who can apply: Any 501(c)(3) organization operating within one of these locations: AR, CA, CT, DC, GA, IA, ME, MA, MI, MS, NJ, NM, NY, or OR. Priority will be given to Black, Indigenous, Multiracial and People of Color (BIMPOC)-led organizations and those that honor the grassroots wisdom and expertise of local communities. 

Funding amount: Grants will range from $10,000-$50,000, with Newman’s Own Foundation awarding up to $450,000 total. Funding can be used for general operations or program support. 

Key dates: Proposals will be accepted through August 15. Funding will be distributed in October. 

More information: All grant program information and RFP instructions are available on the Newman’s Own Foundation website. Have more questions? A live Q&A session will be held on June 30. Registration information will be available soon on the website and the session will be recorded. 



Know of an organization that could benefit? Please forward this email and encourage them to apply! Thanks for helping spread the word.

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FoodCorps is a non-partisan, non-profit organization. FoodCorps staff and FoodCorps AmeriCorps members may not participate in any partisan or seemingly partisan activities during work time charged to an AmeriCorps funded grant or while earning AmeriCorps service hours. No federal funds were used to prepare or distribute advocacy actions.



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