Thursday, July 27, 2023

Dr. Morris Koffa. A Change Agent for the Diaspora and the Continent. Environmental and Disaster Management Implications

Knowing history leads to changes now and for the future.
  • Ebola epidemic, a beginning.
  • COVID-19 epidemic, kindergarten to whats next.
  • Climate Change and it's impact the next.  Full effects of climate change to health and well-being of communities.
Dr. Koffa has written a brief summation of BEMA Internationals actions during the Ebola epidemic.

"THE BLACK EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL (BEMA-I) BEMA-I is a premier NGO that provides information, networking, and educational and professional development opportunities.  These opportunities advance the emergency management and homeland security profession within the African-Descent Communities.  BEMA-I assists and ensures diversity and community involvement in all phases of emergency to include training, preparedness, etc., with emphasis on the long-term recovery of communities.  BEMA-I has given more disaster management attention through robust advocacy through the African embassies in Washington, D.C.  A key impact of BEMA-I's work was felt during the 2014 Ebola crisis and the August 14, 2017 mudslide which occurred in Sierra Leone."

The Ebola Epidemic in Liberia Paperback – August 13, 2018
by Morris Koffa (Author)

In this maiden scholastic work, Dr. Morris T. Koffa explores the link that runs through taking care of the environment, addressing issues of emergency/disaster management, and creating public health awareness. 

He explains how Liberia's failure to put appropriate infrastructures in place intensified the adverse impact of the Ebola virus epidemic that decimated a huge number of Liberians. This is a book whose time has really arrived. Read it and be inspired.


Washington, D.C.


bEMA International

Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication, Coordination, Community engagement, and  Partnering (C5&P)


A 501 (c) 3 organization









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