Tuesday, September 12, 2023

NYC Preparedness Month Event. September 13, 2023


Resilience Bingo

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | 10:00 am to 11:00 am ET

Please join the Region 2 National Preparedness Division and the New York City Emergency Management (NYCEM) Agency for a game of Resilience Bingo in celebration of National Preparedness Month this September.

This event will kickoff with a brief presentation on steps you can take to be better prepared for all hazards. Bingo will begin with the host randomly selecting preparedness items from a list until there is a winner. With multiple rounds scheduled, everyone has a chance to win!

Participants can generate their own Bingo Card through this link.

Who should attend? The whole community –individuals and families, volunteer and community-based organizations, local, state, federal government and private sect.

Registration: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/resiliencebingo/event/registration.html



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