Saturday, October 14, 2023

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Why Is Fear Up in Los Angeles When Crime Is Down? October 2023

Why Is Fear Up in Los Angeles When Crime Is Down?

Citywide, violent crime has declined nearly 7% compared with this time last year, with 1,650 fewer incidents reported as of Sept. 30. And yet, grisly murders and wild police chases still lead nightly TV newscasts.

In those days, a seemingly endless spate of shootings and robberies left neighbors afraid to leave their homes, Townsend said, and a trip to the gas station in this corner of South Los Angeles would get you "pocket checked" by the men who hung out there, day and night.

"I probably would've gotten beaten up or told to leave," said Townsend, part of a loose network of gang interventionists who try to prevent retaliatory violence by tamping down rumors and connecting gang members with social services.

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