A loss for community, the whole community engagement, and job opportunities for residents especially the youth of the city.
BEMA International
Mayor Bowser Announces Key Appointments
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the following executive appointments to her cabinet.
Clint Osborn – Acting Director, Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency
Clint Osborn is appointed Acting Director of the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA). A seasoned administrator, Director Osborn has led policy development and systems focusing on preparedness program development for emergency management agencies, including several leadership roles at HSEMA.
He previously served as HSEMA’s Chief of Operations and Intelligence, responsible for the 24/7 joint all-hazards operations center, the intelligence fusion center, the emergency operations center, logistics and facilities, and the District’s preparedness program.
Throughout 2020 and 2021, Director Osborn served on the Mayor’s Incident Management Team which handled multiple concurrent emergencies from COVID-19 to the extended summer heat season, dozens of First Amendment demonstrations, the January 6 attacks on the U.S. Capitol, and the 2021 Presidential Inauguration.
Prior to his role as Deputy Director, he served as HSEMA’s Chief of Preparedness, where he was responsible for the District-wide emergency management preparedness enterprise.
is a Fusion Center (An Intelligence Hub)
Fusion Centers
Fusion Centers are state-owned and
operated centers that serve as focal points in states and major urban areas
for the receipt, analysis, gathering and sharing of threat-related
information between State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT), federal and
private sector partners. The National Network of Fusion Centers (National Network) brings critical context and value to Homeland Security and Law Enforcement that no other federal or local organization can replicate. Fusion Centers accomplish this through sharing information, providing partners with a unique perspective on threats to their state or locality and being the primary contact between frontline personnel, state and local leadership and the rest of the Homeland Security Enterprise. The National Network of Fusion Centers is the hub of much of the two-way intelligence and information flow between the federal government and our State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) and private sector partners. The fusion centers represent a shared commitment between the federal government and the state and local governments who own and operate them. Individually, each is a vital resource for integrating information from national and local sources to prevent and respond to all threats and hazards. The enhanced collaboration between the federal government, SLTT and private sector partners represents the new standard through which we view homeland security. |
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